27 Feb IFCBAA Calls For Australian Maritime Commission
The International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA) is calling for the establishment of a dedicated regulatory body: an Australian Maritime Commission.
Outlined in a three-point plan, IFCBAA recommends that the regulatory body hold certain powers, which include, but are not limited to: stevedore terminal access charges and conditions, the ability to track the history and allocation of funds of such charges with each stevedore terminal, the ability to repeal Part X of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and for the federal government to “reduce the minimum bargaining period considered as an impasse period of time from the current 9 months down to 3 months” within the rules of the Fair Work Act, “either wholly across all industries, or at least to apply for stevedore terminal worker EA bargaining periods”.
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