International Competition Authorities To Examine Global Supply Chains

International Competition Authorities To Examine Global Supply Chains

Competition authorities across Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand & the UK have announced a cohesive working group that will examine the higher freight rates, and subsequent increased consumer prices, experienced across global supply chains throughout the disruptive period of COVID-19 and to date.

The pandemic has undoubtedly caused enormous supply chain disruptions on a global scale. Increased demand for containerised cargo & heavy congestion across all major trade routes have caused unprecedented turmoil & delays across countries & industries, as well as increased freight rates.

This working group will review these unprecedented conditions & explore whether there has been any associated activities that potentially restrict or distort the competitive landscape.

This working group consists of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), US Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation, Canadian Competition Bureau, NZ Commerce Commission, and UK Competition and Markets Authority.

Whist the areas of examination are wide in scope & include but are not limited to price, market or customer allocations, restricting the output of goods and services, the ultimate objective is one and shared: to ensure strong competitive markets for global trade.

We will keep you up-to-date with any further developments.

If you have any further queries, please contact our helpful team.

Yours sincerely,
Rachael Budd & The Transolve Global Team

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